
Buggies_HEADERLondon Living Streets wants walking to be at the heart of how Londoners get around. We want high streets, town centres and neighbourhoods in inner and outer London to be safer, have better air quality and offer attractive public spaces that welcome those on foot.

Find out about some of our ongoing campaigns.

Low-traffic liveable neighbourhoods Life in residential neighbourhoods in London is often ruined by rat-running motor vehicles driving at dangerous speeds. London Living Streets campaigns for liveable neighbourhoods where vehicles, apart from those used by local residents, are largely kept to the main roads on the periphery. We also assist boroughs in making high-quality bids for Transport for London’s Liveable Neighbourhoods programme. Download our two excellent briefing documents: here and here. More information about this campaign is also available here

Climate emergency If London councils are to meet their Climate Emergency targets, they must make much bolder action on transport. London Living Streets has identified a range of key policies that local authorities can adopt right now to reduce carbon emissions from road transport. Read more here.  

20’s Plenty for London. This campaign, run with 20’s Plenty For Us, is for 20mph speed limits on all residential and urban roads. Lower vehicle speeds reduce road casualties, encourage more people to walk and cycle and make neighbourhoods quieter, cleaner and more liveable places. Most of Inner London is making this transition but more work is needed in outer London boroughs and on stretches of the bigger, more dangerous roads managed by Transport for London. Read more here

Vision Zero: The Vision Zero approach to road safety is defined by the principle that no loss of life or serious injury is acceptable. The road system must protect people at every turn. The Mayor of London has pledged a Vision Zero approach and aims for all deaths and serious injuries from road collisions to be eliminated from London’s streets by 2041. London Living Streets has made detailed proposals for its adoption in London and will continue to campaign for the accelerated introduction of the measures. Read more here

Pedestrian-friendly crossings and junctions A high proportion of collisions that injure or kill pedestrians take place on or near crossings and junctions. People also want to wait less at crossings, they want more time to cross and they want to walk straight across big roads. London Living Streets constantly presses Transport for London and the boroughs to consider pedestrians more seriously when re-engineering dangerous junctions and installing crossings. More here.

Central London Walking Network: Londoners love walking. The popularity of the Thames Path and the South Bank show this. London Living Streets is proposing a Central London Walking Network that connects London’s main railway stations, parks, museums and iconic destinations. We have presented our proposal to London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner and Transport for London who are They are excited by the proposal and considering it seriously. Read more here

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Too much EV infrastructure is being installed on footways getting in the way of people walking, especially those with disabilities. London Living Streets calls for a hierarchy of charging locations with off-street charging for EV car clubs as the default. Our briefing document also makes the case that electric vehicles are not a panacea for the problems cars have created in London.  Read more here

Parklets, pocket parks and kerbside spade London Living Streets wants to turn streets into places where people can stop to rest and play as well as move through. We ask for greener streets with more trees and plants that make more pleasant environments and combat pollution and global warming. As part of this, we persuade borough councils to create pocket parks and make it possible for local residents to create ‘parklets’ or miniature parks using car-parking spaces on streets. Here is an excellent example of a pocket park proposal by London Living Street’s David Irwin. Read more about parklets here. 

Find out what’s going on in local boroughs here

One Reply to “”

  1. As a long-term member/supporter of Living Streets, I have never seen any campaign on the issue of icy pavements, or, in face, any mention of the issue at all. I would be interested to learn of any action you take on this, whether you think it’s an important issue, and whether you think good idea might be for the N.H.S. to charge Local Authorities for any hospital treatment required as a result of accidents caused by slipping on non-gritted pavements. With winter coming, and gloomy predictions of what sort of winter we are likely to experience, I feel strongly that this is an issue a pedestrians’ campaign might take action on, and I look forward to hearing from you about it.


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